Lubbock Evening Journal from Lubbock, Texas (2024)

West Texas Final Weather Map See Pg. 2, Sec. 1 Ads Dial PO3-9311 For Complete Report On Scattered Showers Weather EVENING JOURNAL Edition For Classified VOL. 35, NO. 1 Associated Press Red Lines Drawn For Fight At Demo Session Judge Sewell To Carry Liberals' Flag In Hassle Daniel SAN By DAVE ANTONIO CHEAVENS.

(AP) Gov. Price Daniel today nominated Rep. Frank Ikard of Wichita Falls as temporary chairman of the state Democratic convention to be held here tomorrow. Daniel ended speculation on his choice in a speech before the state Democratic Executive Committee. It drew the lines for a sharply defined issue between coalition of conservatives and middle-of-thea, roaders against liberals in the convention.

Judge Nominated The liberals have nominated Dist. Judge Jim Sewell of Corsicana for temporary chairman. Daniel said Ikard "has first in his mind the best interest of Texas and the Democratic party." The governor referred to Ikard as "one of the outstanding crats of the state and nation." Ikard was regarded as a choice who would be highly acceptable to both Senate Majority, Leader Lyndon B. Johnson House Speaker Sam Rayburn. Neither Johnson nor Rayburn was on hand to take an active part in convention affairs but political professionals looked on Ikard as a candidate with a good chance to follow the moderate pattern Johnson has urged on Texas Democrats.

Statement Applauded The governor's announcement was met with applause with some boos audible. Daniel said it was his duty and obligation as titular head of the party in Texas to make the recommendation to the committee. Ikard is a life-long Democrat, a former district judge, and a member of congress since 1951. He is a member of the powerful House Ways and Means and the key committee on Committees in the House. "He has the ability, the integrity and parliamentary experience necessary to make an excellent presiding officer for this Daniel said.

The governor yesterday said he thought it would be possible for Texas Democrats to operate as a unit during the next two years See TEXAS DEMOS Page 10 SEIZED IN LOVERS Gunman, Are Hunted COLLINS, Colo. (AP) FORT A man was questioned today in the kidnaping of an 18-year-old blonde girl by a rifle armed holdup man. The girl. Marjorie Schneider, A Fort Collins stenographer, was dragged screaming into an automobile by the gunman who robbed her three companions in a lovers' lane yesterday and shot up their car. No trace of the girl or the gunman has been reported.

Officers declined to identify the man brought in for questioning, or say whether the man was acquainted with the missing girl. He was the second man questioned. Another man was taken to sheriff's headquarters yesterday, but was released after a few minutes. Parents Arrive The girl's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

E. M. Schneider, drove here today from their home at Wakeeney, Kan. The sheriff said the girl's date and the couple with them may be taken later today to the spot where the girl was abudeted, in the hope of turning up a lead. As he dragged Miss Schneider LITTLE LIZ 9-8 A teacher's job is to take a lot of live wires and see that they are well grounded.

Press News United Service Press International LUBBOCK, TEXAS, "'The Hub Guns Pour Taps Ikard For "WILD WEST youngsters, all neighbors on 22nd Carol built their own "stagecoach" and dressed up Western style. and Atop the coach, interchangeably "riding shotgun" and driving, R. C. are Morris Wilkes, 3, left, and Paul Schwartz, 5. The passengers and Jerri Cooper, 5.

The girls at Mr. inside are Lori Cooper, 6, left, the rear are, left to right, Kay Wilkes, 7, Janice Cooper, 9, and J. A. The Plains" MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1958 at Entered Lubbock as Second Texas. Shells On Supply Ships Chairman Convoyed By U.S.

Forces Five MIGs Downed Over Straits As Tension Mounts AL KAFF TAIPEI, Formosa (UPI) Communist artillery opened a massive bombardment of the Quemoy Islands today and destroyed a Nationalist ammunition ship which had reached the offshore islands under protection of the U. S. Seventh Fleet. The Defense Ministry said U.S. Navy escort ships convoyed the ammunition ship and several others to the three-mile limit today but stood offshore and Communist artillery did not fire at them.

U.S. convoy vessels stood offshore Sunday when the Nationalists landed supplies. Provocation Charged However Peiping Radio reported eight more U.S. warships entered Chinese Communist territorial waters today and said "this i is obviously a most dangerous act of deliberate provocation" and that the Red Chinese Foreign Ministry was issuing a second "serious warning." An official spokesman for the Nationalist Defense Ministry said today's shelling might justify Nationalist retaliation against the mainland. The Nationalists warned this weekend that bombers would attack Red artillery positions if the bombardment re- sumed.

Jets in Diving Battles Class under Matter, Act of at the March Post 3. 1879 Office 32 Pages Today Quemoy Schwartz, 7. The "horses" Terry Walden, 8. The youngsters' Schwartz, 2425 22nd Mrs. and Mrs.

George Wilkes, 2421 Cooper, 2423 22nd St. (Staff Young Mother, Child Among Victims Six Killed As Fire Sweeps Inn Wife-Swapping Poses Problem For Family Cat NORWALK, Calif. (AP)Harry Speth and Harry Bozarth traded wives, and said they'd found happiness. was happy, it seems, but Pam. Neither couple had children.

But the Speths owned Pam, a cat. After the got Las Vegas divorces couples, riages, they moved back into their homes on opposite sides of the street. But Patricia, Pam's old mistress, was now a Bozarth. And the former Irene Bozarth was now Harry Speth's wife. For awhile Pam didn't know where to live.

But she finally solved the problem: she works both sides of the street. LANE Kidnaped Girl In Colorado toward his car, the gunman turned and said: "Thanks for the money. Sorry I busted up your car. I want the blonde to come with No Trace Found 'Sheriff Ray Scheerer and more than a score of deputies searched the northern Colorado area in patrol cars during the night, but turned up no lead to the missing girl and her captor. Road blocks were maintained throughout the region.

The kidnaping occurred at Horsetooth Reservoir four miles southwest of Fort Collins. Miss Schneider's companions rushed two miles to telephone officers. Scheerer said indications are that the crew-cut gunman is very See KIDNAPED Page 10 Malford Hibbler In BELFAST, Maine, (AP) Six persons died yesterday as fire roared through the Colonial Inn, a landmark in this coastal town for more than 100 years. The dead included a young mother and her little daughter who were on vacation. Two other guests and two employes of the hotel also lost their lives in the predawn blaze that started in the kitchen.

Several guests escaped the flames and choking clouds of smoke by leaping from windows. Three of them were injured. Dead Identified The dead, all of whom were suffocated, were: Clifford Curtis, 44, an electrician of Belfast, George Trumble, 70, a retired Belfast shoe worker; George Turner, 44, Maywood, the inn's chef; Richard Moulton, 27, substitute night clerk; Mrs. Valerie Donovan, 28, and her daughter, Jill, of East Boston, Mass. Mrs.

Donovan's husband, Arthur, 32, a letter carrier, and their son, Richard, were hurt when Donovan dropped the boy two stories onto a projecting roof. He then jumped after him from a third-story window. Donovan was hospitalized in critical condition with a probable fracture of his back. His son, also critical, suffered burns and a head injury. "Could Hear Screams" Mrs.

Grace Lafond, a nearby resident and one of the first on the scene, said: "Flames were coming through the wall near the kitchen ventilator. Within minutes fire shot across the lobby and seemed to be all through the building. could hear the terrible screams of Mrs. Donovan, but we couldn't see her. Smoke and fire were rising in front of the window.

Suddenly the screams stopped, and we didn't hear her Mrs. Donovan's body was found on the bed, one arm clasping her baby, the other holding her handbag. SIX ARE DROWNED LISBON, Portugal (AP) A small sailboat overturned in the Tagus River last night and six of eight excursionists aboard drowned. Wreck Ex-Dunbar Grid Captain, '58 Class Leader, Killed Malford Hibbler, 17, 1958 graduate of Dunbar High School, was killed and three Lubbock boys were injured in an automobile accident early today 15 miles north of Liberal. Kan.

Hibbler was captain of the football and president of the Council at DunStudent" bar High School last school year. He had entered Garden City Junior College at Garden City, on a football scholarship. He played football at Garden City Friday night and scored a touchdown. He was the son of Mrs. Vanie Mae Mooney, 2313 Cedar Ave.

SHOCKED MOTHER-Mrs. Jewell Campbell tells Austin officers she believes her children are dead at the hands of her husband, found dead of shotgun wounds near Austin Sunday. Mrs. Campbell, of Goliad, stands in front of a car at the Travis County courthouse. (AP Wirephoto) RA Other Lubbock boys injured, all attending Garden City Junior College on athletic scholarships, were Jimmy Peppers, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Peppers, 1720 E. 31st who suffered minor injuries and is to leave the hospital as soon as his parents arrive there; Joe Middleton, son of Mrs. Lucilla Middleton, 1306 E. 24th under observation, apparently not seriously injured; and Don McCormick, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Mack McCormick, 1812 E. 25th who suffered a broken leg. All three are patients in a MALFORD MBBLER Page Police Fear Two Children Killed are Robert Schwartz, 10, left, parents are Mr. and Mrs.

Jean Walden, 2427 22nd 22nd and Mr. and Mrs. Photo) Nixon's Stand On Taxes Challenged By JACK BELL Nixon urged tax reductions and WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. O'Mahoney (D-Wyo) challenged today the contention of Vice President Nixon that corporation and high bracket income tax cuts would swell government revenues. M.L.

Wilkison Dies In City Millard L. Wilkison, 48. a Lubbock resident since 1917, died at 5 a.m. today at his home, 2412 37th St. following a year's illness.

Wilkison came to Lubbock with his parents 41 years ago from Fisher County. Educated in Lubbock schools, he had owned and operated the Wilkison Radiator Shop at 915 Ave. since 1940. Once Owned Hubbers He was a member of Knights of Pythias Lodge and of the Lubbock County Sheriff's Posse. Te owned the Lubbock Hubbers baseball club during the year 1949-50.

Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday, in Tabernacle Baptist the Rev. Ben D. Johnson, pastor, officiating, Burial will be in Texas Tech Memorial Park under direction of Sanders Funeral Home. Pallbearers will be V.

E. MeCallon, C. W. Haynie, H. R.

Webb. J. L. Drury, Roy F. Davis and Otis Maner.

Survivors include the widow, two Bill Wilkison, 1908 61st sons, and Don Wilkison, 1918 39th his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilkison of Ropesville; See WILKISON DIES Page 10 MILLARD WILKISON By FRANK N.

MANITZAS AUSTIN have given mother of two missing children Police searched for the missing father shortly before he committed Sheriff T. O. Lang said there were abouts of the children. "It's all over now. I buried sick.

I hope you and your folks all I still love you," said a note found by the body of A. J. Campbell. 32. of Fort Worth.

It was addressed to his. estranged wife, Mrs. Jewel Campbell, 30, of Goliad, Tex. 30, of Goliad, Tex. Campbell's body was found yesterday in a car north of Austin.

as He had been shot with a shotgun. Peace Justice J. H. Watson ruled suicide. Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Leffingwell said "There is a slim chance they are still alive.

You can't tell." Campbell telephoned the Rev. up all hope, they are dead," the cried today. children believed killed by their suicide yesterday. Travis County no clues to indicate the where- both children today. Maybe I was the happiness and just remember Nationalist Sabrejets escorting supply vessels to Quemoy shot down seven Communist MIGs and damaged two others in the biggest aerial battle of the Formosa Strait "little war." Only three MIGs of a flight of 12 escaped undamaged.

A Nationalist announcement said 12 MIG17s approached equal number of Nationalist' Sabres from the rear. The Sabrejet flight leader barked over his radio: "Let's around and get them." and the battle was on. The jet fought a series of diving battles for eight minutes about 16 miles off the China coast. Capt. Chin Ping-chun followed one MIG in a screaming dive from 30.000 to 8,000 feet and nearly exhuasted his ammunition in furious bursts before he destroyed the Sovietbuilt plane.

Capt. Liu Hsien-wu destroyed two MIGs within six minutes for the only multiple claim. All the downed MIGs crashed into ths sea, some in flames. One Red pilot was seen to bail out. Using the extra speed advantages gained from dives, several Sabrejets closed to within 200 feet of MIGS before destroying them.

See QUEMOY Page 10 Ex- Wife Allows Car To Run Over Her SAN FRANCISCO -Mrs. Hilda Bryant, 27, San Francisco, was killed early today when she lay down in the street after a quarrel with her ex-husband and refused to move until a passing car ran over her. The ex-husband, Clarence Bryant, 48, told police he was driving the woman home when she jumped out of the ear and lay down in the street. Since she outweighed him by 30 pounds, Bryant said, he was unable to move her. About 10 minutes later: a car driven by Mrs.

Lena S. Rege, 46. came along. She said she thought Bryant's frantic hand signals merely meant he was trying to wave her around his stopped car. Mrs.

Rege swerved into another lane and the wheels of her car passed over Mrs. Bryant's head, killing her instantly, Third Critically Injured Lightning Bolt Children Of BIG BEAR LAKE. Calif. (P) -Lightning crackled down from A sudden storm and killed two children and injured a third while their father, former All America football player Bob Reinhard, watched from a skiff on the lake. The lightning bolt exploded into a plywood shack on the lake's shore where the three youngsters had ducked out of the downpour.

Reinhard, one of the University of California's greatest linemen and later a professional star with the old Los Angeles Dons and Los Angeles Rams, was fishing on the lake James Harris in Fort Worth Saturday and told him he had killed the children and was going to kill himself. Campbell died at about 2 a.m. yesterday, Justice Watson said. Leffingwell said there was some hope Campbell may have left the children with friends. Mrs.

Campbell, a schoolteacher, said her husband needed psychiatric attention. She said Campbell, a bricklayer, picked up Myrisha, Faye, 3, and A. J. Campbell 11 months, early Saturday See TWO CHILDREN Page 10 expanded jobless payments in a speech before the Harvard Business School Assn. in Boston Saturday.

His talk was interpreted here as an effort to fashion a personal platform in his expected bid for the 1960 Republican presidential nomination. The vice president made it clear he was not speaking for the Eisenhower administration. In his speech, Nixon advocated in corporation taxes, reductions, rates in the highest brackets" of personal income taxes and substitution of a per cent manufacturer's levy for most said such program would increase revenues. a member of the O'Mahoney, Senate-House Economic Committee which keeps close tabs on the tax structure, said in an interview, "'There is no reason to believe this sort of program would increase "Nixon is proposing a program which would be of benefit practically exclusively to those who don't need any benefit," O'Mahonsaid. "The record shows that ey large corporations which deal in interstate and foreign business have been making increased profits under present Another committee member, Hale Boggs (D-La), also challenged Nixon's conclusion that such a tax cut would increase revenues.

He said the joint committee had considered the idea and decided against it. Nixon's speech was regarded by his associates as a major outline of his individual views, with more likely to come later. Some of his associates are understood to have been urging him to establish a greater measure of independence from the Eisenhower administration. These friends are convinced Eisenhower does not go to bat for Nixon or any other single individual in 1960. Whatever his motive, Nixon See NIXON Page 10 Hobbs Man Shot To Death At Lake MINERAL WELLS, Tex.

(AP)John Chisum, 30, Hobbs, N.M., died today of bullet wounds suffered yesterday at Possum KingLake near here. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for his wife later today. No charges were filed, Sheriff Fred Foreman said. The sheriff reported that Chisum was shot twice with a small caliber pistol in a cafe at the lake. The sheriff would not state the motive in the shooting other than that he believed it stemmed from ifamity AREA RAINFALL LIGHT Downpours Soak Coastal Cities (By The Associated Press) Tropical Storm Ella's dying gasps spread rain and fog over wide areas of Texas Monday, The Texas City-Galveston area was drenched by up to 8.44 inches of rain Sunday.

The downpours, coupled high tides kicked up by Ella. flooded streets, stalled autos and seeped into a few homes as storm sewers failed to handle the deluge. Streets at LaMarque were flooded and a few business houses in Texas City suffered. No, homes were evacuated, however, and officials said damage would be light. Freeport also reported minor flooding of streets Sunday.

General rains over the state tapered off Sunday night. Rain fell Monday, however, at Corpus Christi, Alice, Cotulla, San Angelo, and in the Marfa area of Inside News Page See. Editorials 10 Radio, TV Programs CE Theaters DE New Missile Test DE Kansas Floods DE Society Sports 3-4-5 CI Comics 11 2 Kills Two Ex-Grid Star with his fourth child, Robert, 10, Reinhard rowed ashore and hurried to the badly splintered and still smouldering shack. He bundled the three children into his station wagon--without realizing that two were deadand drove to a nearby hospital. Lawrence, 7, and Trudy Lee, 13, were pronounced dead on arrival.

Their sister Diana, 14, was badly burned about the neck and reported partially ed. Her condition was as critical. Southwest Texas. At Lubbock, .36 inch rainfall was measured at the U.S. Weather Bureau Station, .37 inch at the Experiment Station, and .54 inch at Texas Tech Sunday and this mornling.

Nearly all of that was received in showers during the day Sunday. The measurement at Tech was .51 inch before 6 p.m. and .03 after 6 p.m. Drizzle was received in Lubbock and surrounding area this morning and fog reduced visibility to four miles at the weather station. The U.

S. Weather Bureau forecast scattered showers in Lubbock vicinity today, Maximum temperature of about 80 degrees this afternoon and minimum of about 65 early Tuesday were forecast. Weather is expected to be a little warmer, with more sunshine Tuesday, and indications are that showers will be less numerous but that some may be heavier Tuesday, the weather station reported. Lubbock's minimum temperature this morning was 63 degrees. Fog cut visibility at Lufkin, Cotulla, Austin, College Station, Tyler and Longview.

Skies were cloudy over all but the upper Red River Valley, Rains were reported Sunday night at Lufkin, Laredo, College Station and Childress. Opera Star Sings To Prove Identity After Papers Lost WARSAW, Poland (PReturning to his native Poland for the first time in 19 years, operatic tenor Jan Kiepura crossed two Iron Curtain frontiers Sunday without a passport. At the East Berlin airport the singer reported that his passport had been stolen. The authorities told him he could not continue his trip. I am Kiepura," said the singer.

"It is only you who tells us this, please prove it to us," the official replied. can sing to you," said and did. The official let him pass..

Lubbock Evening Journal from Lubbock, Texas (2024)
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